Apparel Wash

4.2 Fl Oz

Regular price $19.99
Regular price Sale price 19.99

Accelerates the break down of dirt while retaining the original color, shape and finish of your apparel.

For those tough stains or when it's time for a thorough clean, our Apparel Wash is the ideal choice. Hand washing your apparel ensures gentle treatment and better preservation of delicate fabrics. This specially formulated wash removes stubborn dirt and grime, leaving your clothes fresh and clean, just like when you first bought them.

Sustainable care products made in South Africa.

ensuring you care for your apparel correctly.

[  Product Information  ]

prolong the life of your favorite garments

Gone are the days of risking the damage of your quality apparel


Our products are biodegradable, contain no harsh chemicals, non-hazardous and non-toxic, cruelty free and Vegan.

A new way to care for your apparel.

Accelerates the break down of dirt while retaining the original color, shape and finish of your apparel.

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