Sneaker Lab Los Angeles Grand Opening Event Recap
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Our Los Angeles location has been open for a few weeks and we wanted to celebrate with all of the people that supported us and made it happen. We invited hundreds of our closest friends and broke bread over some sneaker cleaner.
721 S. Los Angeles St.
Grand Opening Event - 6-10pm

The event featured a soundtrack spun on vinyl by DJ Long Island.
Store manager Joe (jean jacket) and Trainer Brian (sneaker lab tee) were greeting guests and directing everyone to sneaker wipes and something to drink.

We offered free cleanings and protectings at this event so our guests got the full Sneaker Lab experience. Come to our next event to see it for yourself.

Overall, the event went great! We had the right people in the right place and had some good times. Stay tuned for our next event on Instagram or our other social media: @sneakerlab

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